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Sunday, June 1, 2008

The Gillmor Gang - FriendFeed interview.

You can listen to the interview here.
Still can't understand the point why is there so much noise about FriendFeed, taking in considiration their lack of traffic. They did get good funding, but right now I don't see FriendFeed as a tool that can be interesting mainstream users. Right now it's pushing the ammount of noise up without the possibility to filter it anyhow.
The guys from gilmor gang were actually pushing FriendFeed to implement the same features Twitter has right now, while FriendFeed was telling "we are not about conversations". I don't really see a future for a site like FriendFeed without being a communication tool. It can get some fans, but unless you get the scale which is not possible without being a comunication tool it just won't get enough people using it on a daily basis.
The tech problems at twitter force hardcore users search for other options, but I think 95% of twitter fans don't really care about that and will patientlly wait till the problems are over which i beleive will happen very soon.

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