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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Twitter won't bill for followers. At least for now.

   GigaOM posted today that Twitter is may be going "fremium" asking for a payment if your followers count go over 2000. However Evan Williams (one of Twitter's co-founders) replied that this is not true.


In various interviews Twitter co-founders shared that they explore the possibilities of taking the money for twitting from corporate users, however I am sure that it would aply more to some specific brands and some extra services.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Twitts of people who twitt a lot are less valuable?

3 days ago I started using our alfa-version of twitter client. I personally prefer to use the web-based version, as I don't really need to be alerted about new messages instantly. It doesn't have a skin (design) on yet and lacks some features but the alerts and groups work and show how many new twitts each person has.

I have updated the page about the alfa-version. If you are already following me, d-msg me and I'll give you a link to try it.

I now follow 158 people on Twitter and some time ago I started to notice that I use Twitter less and less frequently 'cause I get tons of Twitts that are really worthless to me. But after I've set alerts for the 14 people which twitts I don't want to miss twitter got it's permanent place in one of my tabs.

What I also noticed is that people that twitt less usually twitt about some important things in their life or about the world around them and these twitts are really interesting. Of course there are some exeptions. So before pushing that send button next time take a second and think if your Twitt is interesting for the people that follow you, newsworthy or funny.

That is my personal notice, I would love to hear your thoughts about that.